
We all are Jesus!


The previous room owners left some of their religious photographs in our apartment. And this Jesus frame on the wall is always watching me. But this \’already broken me\’, today while listening to music, my attention was drawn to his thorn-covered heart. Of all the gods made by humans, Jesus was the only one who was truly f*kd up in life: the friends he trusted betrayed him, he couldn\’t develop his relationship with Mary Magdalene (because she was a prostitute, and societal expectations, family dreams, and his own goals as a social reformist didn’t allow him to pursue a romance with her). And finally, the society for which he performed all those courageous social revolutions—against the kingdom and the upper class—that the same society threw stones at him and crucified him after long public humiliation.

He left his family and traveled a lot. He was lost in his thoughts. Gave speeches for deprived people. United fishermen and other working class labourers. If he had mobile phones, he might have made reels and motivational speeches. If he had been literate, he might have written some philosophical blogs. If he had been rich, he could have educated many socially disadvantaged children.

Jesus is totally us—he\’s the representation of all the f*kd-up youth (those in their 20s and early 30s).

Because he was killed at the age of 33.

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