
God is a myth !


This is my first writing after a long time in English in a public virtual space, and this one is a first post of this blog as well. I tried before lot of times to write by following all the linguistics rules of this foreign language, but I felt I couldn\’t and changed my mind , came to my native language Malayalam again.

You people may think, why I have put a heading as \’god is a myth\’ but talking about something else. You people are right, but this is what happening , whenever people talk about spirituality , with this term god.

Talking for a particular god is useless!

One broader level debate I had with my philosophy student friends will help you to understand this.

The debate was began with a question ; What you mean by god ?

people from different religions started to define and glorify their idea of gods. Most of their god was a Man in nature. Few of them finally discussed about their woman goddesses. Nobody had a transgender/Transsexual god. Somebody argued that their god doesn\’t have gender but their religion text books were always biased for male dominance.

but nobody there, answered the actual question that is; \’what you mean by god?\’

Instead of the answer they asked me that Am I believe in god or not?

How can you tell somebody , that you are believe in or not, in something which you have no idea?

let me ask you : Are you believe in hvfhsdgf ?

are you believe in wdwewfdfde ? or not ? tell me quickly !

The Idea of God

In mass communication, there is a study about signs(semiotics).

A sign is a combination of two things ; a) Signifier b) Signified

When I write \’eyes\’ , that makes one image or ideas of eyes you have learned from this world inside your brain.

signifier; this word \’Eyes\’ and signified ; this idea of eyes you have(concept).

In this case of god also, people have created so many ideas under this word god. Ancient people were thought it\’s a spirit from sky which always trying to kill them. So they had started to tell to the imaginary power that don\’t kill them. They felt that it was worked even though they understand their capability to survive the nature. That act got a word; it was prayer. Although Multiple Gods had emerged with time and multiple concepts, nobody tried to define what did the idea of god actually was. At the same time Some of the religion groups emotionally diverted people from thinking that way, they limited people from questioning the idea of god, resisted them from searching the meaning and purpose with this ideas of god.

The Concept of spirituality Vs Unclear word god

Although they didn\’t define the idea of god, I tried to listen why they continuously talk about this thing. Somebody said we don\’t know who created us and this universe. Somebody said we have to believe that we have not only a body but also a soul which will be go to somewhere else after the death of a person , the idea of god will be there and it will be judge you by examine the sins you had made in your lifetime.

spirituality is a personal one. I think lot of unconscious innocent people (particularly lot of youngsters) who had manipulated by different religions, thinking that they can only be spiritual by practicing the rituals already made by religions. A complete false assumption.

Are you really thinking, a little bit spirituality given by this, ; exploiting the poor people, make you killing each-other , already killed your millions and millions of ancestors, dividing you each other for some political, social and cultural dominance of some particular people religions will support you for your growth and your society\’s growth ?

Because in my understanding spirituality is a peace of mind, you need it. By doing good things for people in front of you, even, to people you don\’t know in person as well. By doing actually what you are loving without the intervention of anybody and anything. By letting others also live. By feeling the nature. By listening a music which comfort your emotional wounds. By talking to your people to have a relief for your mental trauma, etc.

You don\’t need a idea of god of somebody else who lived long long years ago for this spirituality. you are the only person who know you better. Depend yourself. And try to understand the ways to comfort yourself from your circumstances also.

And this question who actually created us?

it\’s our parents biologically, respect them and love them. Some of us are may be not with our biological parents so respect and love the people; whom you can see in your parents positions. And this case of universe ! actually we don\’t need to think about who created us for our peace of mind or spirituality because if you do, it would be ironically kill your remaining peace of mind. Human beings are curious beings, they are curious because it\’s depends on their survival. That\’s why they are afraid of what they don\’t know as well. Don\’t let this religions take advantage on your weaknesses for their selfish needs.

Be conscious ! try to make new meaning for the word god instead of falling into somebody else\’s manipulation for use you and your money! love yourself ! then only the world will love you!

(This talk will continue….because the idea of god is politics ! )

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