
Who Are your People?


In one day, I found myself watching both \”The Chosen\” and \”Mad Men\” web series. Ironically, I relate to both Jesus, Matthew, John, and Don Draper. So I think, we all experience multiple desires in our hearts. We face multiple challenges. And we seek multiple forms of dopamine satisfaction.

Even within myself, I can’t see things clearly—so what about the world around me? But I have to, to survive in this global mixture of confusion.

Recently, I came across an idea from a book: \”Do you know everyone in your country, state, or even hometown? And before you die, do you think you\’ll meet everyone in person, make friends with them, or at least talk to them?(10 minutes minimum) No, I don’t think so. Some people will die, others will be born. Some will migrate, and others will immigrate.

I started thinking about the people in my life—different people. Those I’ve personally met in real life, even if just for 10 minutes. The names I remember. The faces I remember. The stories or conversations or emotions I remember that they shared with me . Some faces I remember, but they don’t even know me(okay mostly girls I admit). Not everyone spoke to me in the same language or communicated with me in the same way. I spoke the same languages differently to different people, showing different aspects of myself. I tried to be as empathetic and kind as possible. But it’s not just you always—sometimes people make you react to the world in ways that are out of your control. Some people help you use your energy for good actions, while others push you toward harmful ones.

And yet, you still think the idea of a country is real? And the idea of a state is real?

How many people have you met in your real life? How many of them do you consider your \”real\” people?

Do you really think one can be your real people in life just because they  come from the same country, state, or hometown.

In Jesus’ time, the Romans re-drew maps of Israel because so many people came there to listen to Jesus—he was a good speaker, someone who came from the downtrodden and attracted many with his simple examples. So the Romans drew country lines to sort people coming from far away and to collect taxes from them.

This is how the idea of countries developed: just to collect taxes and organize activities among people. But over time, this was misused by those in power over these organizations.

The Communication Aspect

It’s true that you can easily communicate with someone who speaks your language. But honestly you don\’t like everyone who speaks your language, just because they speak your own language. Similarly, it’s easy to reference places in your country, state, or hometown with someone from the same country. But that doesn’t mean they are close to you. Religion, class, race, and even gender work in the same way.


Now, think about or write down the names of the people you’ve met in your real life. They are your people. And I am sure that in today’s globalized world, you have met people from multiple cultures, speaking multiple languages, and coming from multiple countries. You may have liked some of them. You might not meet them again, but you’ll likely meet many more people like them in the future. These are your people. This is your real country—the real world inside your head. Don’t let any government, priest, or advertisement guy take control of it.

You are doing great.

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